Friday, December 15, 2006

Contemplating a resolution

I've been thinking that it would be good for me to try to post to my blog with greater regularity. My first thought was "Every day!" My second thought was "Are you nuts?" So maybe two or three times a week would be good. At the very minimum, once a week.

A few years back, my Christmas gift to the grandparents was the promise that I'd write to them once a week, and I managed to keep that up pretty well. I'd do it in large type on the computer, and throw in some photos, just like a blog, then print it out and mail it. It didn't take long, but they sure appreciated it.

Regular posting may well be inspired by all the good blogs I've been reading lately. Crazy Aunt Purl, in particular.

Likely Blog Topics:
  • All About The Knitting I'm Not Doing.
  • Household Chores I Have Ignored.
  • Optimal Seating for Wireless Leeching.
  • 1 comment:

    1. HAHA I am glad you posted a link to this entry... your last topic and that photo really did make me chuckle out loud! I scared Floyd!
